
Hoffmann Heinrich - Goebbels Joseph - Adolf Hitler

Authors : Hoffmann Heinrich - Goebbels Joseph
Title : Adolf Hitler Pictures from the life of the Führer A Chilling Tale of Propaganda
Year : 1936

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Foreword. Many misunderstandings still prevail - throughout the world and even in Germany - on the concept of propaganda. Since these misconceptions are so ingrained and for the most part based on prejudices, they are difficult to clear up. Since the end of the war, the German nation in particular has been taught an object lesson on this subject. It is impossible to imagine a better or more powerful lesson. In a relatively short time span historically, propaganda has become extremely important in Germany; today there is more than enough proof of the fact that imperial Germany was overthrown by the onset of Marxist propaganda. It is also clear that the Marxist-democratic regime was overcome solely because the idea of National Socialism and National Socialist propaganda countered Marxism with a superior new order and efficiency. Even propaganda must be mastered. It is absolutely useless to assign this job to just any bright person who happens to be available as the need arises. As with all great art, it requires uniquely qualified people who usually found a school through which they render their art form acceptable. The common misconception that propaganda is dishonorable or inferior must also be dispelled. As with everything else in life, it depends entirely on how it is used and what it contributes in practical terms to the world. In this sense, propaganda has nothing at all to do with promotion. At its best, propaganda allows situations and people to speak for themselves. Propaganda ensures that if something is worthwhile, its full value is brought to light and explained. Good things and great people speak for themselves. One must value them and not place restrictions on them. The most important characteristic of particularly successful propaganda is that nothing is omitted and nothing is added that is not essential to the subject in question. The characteristics of situations or personalities are to be clearly, powerfully, simply, and naturally lifted out of the confusion of current topics, so that these pOints are understandable and obvious to the masses of people who shall be moved and won over. National Socialism and its principal representatives lend themselves naturally to this art. And they have worked hard to learn and apply their art. They have accomplished this through untiring and extremely close contact with the people and by progressively refining their skills to the highest level. Moreover, the FUhrer himself was the greatest teacher of propaganda. It is a little-known fact that for quite a while early in the history of the party the FUhrer held no office other than that of Director of Propaganda. His ingenious mastery and management of this office left upon the party a unique intellectual, organizational, and political marlc From the very beginning his supporters (and later the entire German nation) focused the entirety of their love on him and placed an enormous store of trust in him, for his very nature and character recognized the necessity of speaking to his people (whose child he always was and always will be) and of acting. from the heart. Initially the masses saw him from a distance only as a politician and statesman. The purely human side of him remained in many ways in the background. Today the world recognizes Hitler as the creator of National Socialist doctrine and the organizer of the National Socialist state; as the pioneer of a new European order; as the guide to peace and to the welfare of nations. But untold millions all over the world know that behind all of this there is the exciting and fascinating figure of the man Adolf Hitler - even if they have only a rough idea of what this means. The great simplicity and the simple greatness radiating from his person completely and compellingly affect not only every German, but also touch every foreigner who possesses good instincts. Today he can no doubt be described the world over as the man who is most deeply and clearly rooted in the thought and mood of these modern times, and who because of this, has within himself the ability to reform these times as no other can. In order to completely appreciate this side of him, one must see him as a person in addition to politician and statesman. And this book shall be a guide. This book provides insight into his personality, brought with love and veneration from his closest colleagues and oldest comrades. In this book, the authors offer the public a picture of this great man that has not previously been seen. All of the contributors to this publication have known the Fuhrer for many years, right down to the last detail, and thus have come to admire him more and more each day. It is thiscperspective that makes this book valuable. The FUhrer appears in this book as a person with an immediate connection to all the issues of our times. The German nation will gladly grasp this chance to see the FUhrer up close, thereby getting closer to him personally. In addition, it is particularly gratifying that this book will be easily available and affordable. This will give masses of German readers access to it. May this book hereby begin its felicitous and successful path to the German people! Dr. Jospeh Goebbels. ...

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