
Hammer Max - Blood & honour Field Manual

Author : Hammer Max
Title : Blood & honour Field Manual
Year : 2002

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I dedicate this book to the memory of our martyred heroes George Lincoln Rockwell and Ian Stuart Donaldson, the prime progandists and political innovators of the post-war NS era; to our comrades Steve “Micetrap” of who has conquered space for our Movement and Erich Gliebe, editor of Resistance who saved a great project and put its priorities straight; and finally to my three very good friends, the unsung champion of propaganda warfare Marcel Schilf, the video virituose Marko “Jäsä” Järvinen and the bravest of Swedes, Robert “Info-14” Vesterlund. The simple truth is, that despite all the going-ons in and around our so-called Movement, there are, basically, only two real reasons for the existence of that movement: 1. Bringing down the ruling old order of our enemies; 2. Building a new order based on our own principles and ideas. And the sad thruth is, that so far we have failed miserably on both accounts. Obviously, no-one can expect a slandered and oppressed idea as National Socialism to be back in power within such a relatively short period of time. After all, it took the Christians hundreds of years to win back territory after the murder of their founder by the Zionists of those days. Still, with all the efforts and sacrifices put in over the last 50+ years, one should be allowed to expect a bit more progress on the first account. But the enemy state has rather strengthened its grip than giving in to our demands or collapsing from our resistance. A main reason for our failures and fiascos is that we never really face the problem of power-grasping by getting down to discussing the HOWs. Certainly, a majority of us know WHAT we want and WHY we need it. But when it comes to the crucial question of HOW to go about it, most of the Movement´s people (both leaders and followers) retreat to the safe dreams of old and better times, fancy political interpretations, fanatic religious excerices – or simply the coszy warmth of the pub comradeship. I have been attacked as a negative pessimist and down-right anti-intellectual for pointing out the above fact. These accusations are of course pure nonsense, mainly stemming from the very people who were the real targets of my criticism. By all means, we need knowledge and we need arguments. But, as I have pointed out time and time again: the truth will not set you free. It never did to anyone. Freedom, like all other things in life, is won by struggle. Unfortunately, “truth” has now become too relative and is too inflatory to be of any real decisive matter in our battle. Don´t get me wrong now. I know we have truth on our side, you know it, and a lot (but still far too few) of other good people know it as well. But then what? It´s all well and good to educate our troops. But most of our people have enough basic knowledge, natural instincts, common sense and healthy aggression to understand what it is all about and why we must fight. And to put it blatently bluntly: How much do we really need arguments? How often do we get a chance to present them? Certainly, ideally we should always be prepared to present our case. But is this really the priority? From the offerings of books and magazines within the Movement, one could be led to think that knowing the exact unmber of Jewish commissars in Lenin´s first government or what some rock “star” thinks of music, beer and Adolf Hitler are the most vital things for the NS reader. And seeking our roots and rekindling our traditions... For sure! But Aryan brothers and sisters, right this minute we face physical extinction – both as a movement and as a race. And if I were to be really nasty, I´d say that this cultural hobbyism is a luxury which at the moment we simply cannot afford. Well, I´m not really that nasty, but for certain our main priority is to ACT and to know HOW. And the when is NOW. The why´s we have been digesting for 55 years. In other words, it´s high time for a change of priorities. This book is meant to fill the gap when it comes to actual activist instructions. It is to be read as an in-depth follow-up to my first work, “The Way Forward”. I am happy to state that this little book was positively received in most Movement circles that matters. A few opposed it on sight, which does not surprise me a bit. After all, it was a harsh attack on the lay-backs, profiteers and parasites of the Movement. Some others very discreetly avoided (= boycotted) it, and that has really troubled my mind. Are some of the key figures of Ian Stuart´s organization perhaps more prone to rock & roll than rocks and revolt? Well, we shall soon see. ZOG has ways of putting us all to the test. Generally, however, I do believe that “The Way Forward” has taken us some steps ahead on the long and hard road to victory. The fact that by now it has been translated into five languages and appear as Net versions in two languages, proves that its existence is highly justified. If “The Way Forward” covered general principles and purposes, this new book should be used as a full-sized operation manual for the B&H combatant. From words to action. From criticism to destruction. From hopes to visions. From dispair to victory. MAX HAMMER. ...

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