
Graf Jürgen - January 2001

Author : Graf Jürgen
Title : January 2001 (written in exile, Tehran)
Year : 2001

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The intellectual adventure which changed my life. I was born in Basel, Switzerland, on August 15, 1951. My father was a bank employee, my mother a housewife. Both of them are still alive and well; my father, who celebrated his 80th birthday on 12 December 2000, retired from his job many years ago. After finishing school, I went to Basel University, where I studied French, English, and Scandinavian philology. In 1979, I acquired a master's degree which entitled me to teach languages at a school in Basel. In 1982, I went on a journey to South East Asian from where I did not return before 1988, as I had got a job as a university teacher of German in Taipeh, Taiwan. Back in Switzerland, I gathered some professional experience in fields unrelated to teaching before returning to my former profession in 1990. Until March 1993, when I was fired in the aftermath of the publication of my first revisionist book, I taught Latin and French in Therwil, a small town near Basel. In October 1994, I got a job as a teacher of German for foreign students at a private language school in Basel. Though badly paid, my work greatly appealed to me because most of my students were highly motivated adults. While the director of the school, Mr. Remo Orsini, did not share my views about the holocaust and Zionism, he was tolerant of my revisionist activities (which I never talked about in class). In August 1998, after the infamous Baden trial in which my editor Gerhard Foerster and myself were sentenced to stiff prison terms because of our revisionist publications, Mr. Orsini reluctantly dismissed me in order to prevent the ruin of his school which would have become the target of a relentless media smear campaign had he kept me as a teacher. Apart from some translation jobs, I was unable to find any work in Switzerland after the Baden trial because no employer would have dared to hire me. I left Switzerland on August 15, 2000, my 49th birthday, and I do not intend to return there before the political situation has changed and Switzerland is a free country again. (Should I go back now, I would face immediate arrest.) Before 1991, I did not know anything about revisionism. While I thought that the six million figure might be somewhat exaggerated, I never had the slightest doubts as to the reality of the Nazi extermination program and the homicidal gas chambers. I was dimly aware that there were some authors who questioned even the approximate truth of the official holocaust version, but I thought they were just a bunch of Neo-Nazis eager to whitewash Hitler, so I made no effort to find out what there arguments were. However, I was already quite anti-Zionist at that time. First of all, I was profoundly disgusted by Israel's inhuman treatment of the Palestinians, and secondly, I was greatly angered by the fact that the Jews shamelessly exploited the tragedy which had befallen them during World War Two to extort huge sums of money from Germany and to malign the entire German nation. Because I had many German relatives (my father, though a Swiss citizen, was born in Germany and did not come to Switzerland before 1947), I was a Germanophile from earliest childhood and found it totally inadmissible to blame the German people as a whole for Hitler and his holocaust. Although greatly interested in contemporary history in general and the Second World War in particular, I always tried to keep away from the holocaust subject. The holocaust was an ugly and shameful episode of European and German history, and I felt no desire whatsoever to know the gory details. All this changed in April 1991 when I made the acquaintance of a elderly Swiss gentleman, Mr. Arthur Vogt. Vogt, a retired teacher of mathematics and biology who was born in 1917, has been my close friend and generous sponsor ever since. At our first meeting, he introduced himself as a revisionist and gave me a tape with a revisionist text authored by himself. Even if this text did not convince me entirely, it came as a serious shock to me. I realised that the revisionists had some valid arguments and could not simply be dismissed as crackpots or charlatans, so I asked Vogt for more information. He sent me the three revisionist books which, at that time, were the best existing ones: Serge Thion's Verite Historique ou Verite Politique? (La Vieille Taupe, Paris 1980), Arthur Butz's The Hoax of the Twentieth Century (Institute for Historical Review, Torrance/California 1977) and Wilhelm Staeglich's Der Auschwitz Mythos (Grabert Verlag, Tuebingen 1979). Even before studying these books, I read the German translation of an article I also had got from Vogt. It had appeared in the Soviet Communist Party's newspaper Pravda on February 2, 1945, one week after the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp by the Red Army. (Four years later, in Moscow, I got hold of the Russian original.) The author of that article, Soviet Jewish reporter Boris Polevoi, who had visited Auschwitz immediately after its liberation, wrote about an "assembly line killing installation where hundreds of people were killed simultaneously with electrical current". Polevoi also mentioned gas chambers in the eastern sector of the Auschwitz camp. Nowadays, nobody claims that the German made use of electric current to kill people, and according to the official Holocaust version, the Auschwitz gas chambers were at Birkenau, west of the main camp, and not in the eastern sector. Having read this article, I knew that the revisionists were right: The gas chamber and mass extermination story had been fabricated by propagandists, and the first versions did not tally with the later ones. On that day, April 29, 1991, I decided to dedicate my life to the struggle against the most monstrous fraud ever concocted by human brains. I had long discussions with Arthur Vogt who appreciated my enthusiasm and often gave me useful advice. In order to have sufficient time for my historical studies, I only taught about 15 hours a week which of course meant a reduced, though still decent salary. (In Switzerland, state school teachers are exceedingly well paid.) At that time, there already were numerous revisionist books and articles, but most of them dealt with specific aspects of the holocaust. As there was no easily understandable introduction to revisionism and its arguments, I decided to write one myself. The title of the book was to be Der Holocaust-Schwindel ("The Holocaust Swindle"). In March 1992, I visited the world's most renowned revisionist, professor Robert Faurisson, at his home in Vichy, France. Faurisson, who had been a respected professor of French literature, had his career ruined because of his revisionist writings; he had been put on trial numerous times, had been fined exorbitant sums, and in 1989, he was brutally beaten up and almost killed by a gang of Jewish thugs who called themselves "Sons of Jewish Memory". Faurisson corrected the manuscript of my future book. I was deeply impressed by his brilliant intellect and even more by his extraordinary courage and uncompromising search for the truth. ...

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